What Types Of Cookies Can Hamsters Eat?

Supposedly you’re eating a piece of cookie for snacks and your hamster seems intrigued about it, would you feed the cookie to your hamster? Would you break that cookie into crumbs and let your hamster swallow it? You should not do this. No matter how pitiful your hamster looks, cookies are a big NO. Well, it depends on the type of hamster you have, but generally no. If you have a Syrian, keep that cookie away from your hamster, especially if that contains a lot of chocolate chips. They don’t have that enzyme in their saliva that can break down the chocolate in the cookie. If you’re wondering what types of cookies can hamsters eat then continue reading.

Can Hamsters Eat Cookies?

No kind of cookie is safe for hamsters. No matter if they are free of sugar or free of chocolates, they are still harmful. They are not healthy and are considered a portion of junk food for them. You should feed your hamster with cookies. Syrian hamsters especially cannot tolerate cookies. Don’t risk their health just because you want them to have some sweets. There are alternatives to cookies.

Why Can’t Hamsters Eat Cookies?

The answer to this is simple. Because cookies contain a high amount of caffeine and sugar which are ingredients that are harmful to hamsters. These ingredients can shorten their lifespan and make them feel sluggish. It’s not healthy for them. If you run out of healthy and prescribed food for hamsters, do not resort to cookies. As it will make your hamster sick. Also, cookies have no nutritional value to hamsters. They cannot provide any nutritional benefits to your hamster. It will just make them sick. Cookies also contain eggs and gluten-baser sugar. Consider these two ingredients as mortal enemies of your hamsters.

Aside from caffeine and sugar, cookies also contain hydrogenated fats. These oils are terrible for your hamster. Cookies also have a high level of cholesterol. Your hamster will be overwhelmed with all the harmful ingredients of cookies. Might be better to stay away from cookies. Would the cookie be better if it’s sugar-free, gluten-free, or chocolate-free? You can’t make cookies with no eggs and eggs are still harmful to hamsters. Do not feed your hamsters with cookies.

What Should You Feed Your Hamster?

There is no type of cookie that you can feed to your hamster. They in general should be avoided if you want to keep your hamster alive and healthy. You should focus on feeding your hamster with vegetables and fruits, especially nuts. Give the hamster apples, bananas, peas, carrots, and cucumbers. In case, your hamster swallowed cookies, observe if there is any sign of discomfort. Cookies are tolerable in small amounts. Your hamster still is in good condition. However, with continuous feeding of cookies to your hamster, the hamster can suffer from a lot of sicknesses. Banana chips and strawberries are a great alternative to cookies. They are also sweet but nutritious. Cookies are just a big NO. Don’t even let your hamster eat even a crumb of it. If you want to enjoy your cookies, please stay as far away from your hamster so you don’t risk them eating a crumb of the cookie.

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