Pet Hamster FAQs – #6

ID Question Answer
117 Can hamsters eat celery? Yes, hamsters can eat celery. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals. However, due to the high water content and strings that can pose a choking hazard, it’s important to cut celery into small, manageable pieces and feed it to your hamster in moderation.
118 How do hamsters breed? Hamsters breed by mating with a male and a female together. However, hamster breeding should be left to professionals as it requires a thorough understanding of their behavior, health, and genetic factors to prevent health problems. Also, Syrian hamsters are solitary and will fight if housed together, except for mating purposes under controlled circumstances.
119 Can hamsters eat cheese? Yes, hamsters can eat a small amount of cheese. Cheese is high in protein and can be a tasty treat for your hamster. However, due to its high fat content, it should be given sparingly and not as a part of their regular diet. Also, some hamsters may be lactose intolerant, so monitor your hamster for any signs of digestive upset.
120 Do hamsters need vaccinations? As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, hamsters do not typically require vaccinations like dogs or cats. However, they still require regular health checks and veterinary care. It’s always best to consult with a vet who is familiar with small mammals or ‘exotic’ pets.
121 Can hamsters eat spinach? Yes, hamsters can eat spinach. It is a good source of vitamins and can be a healthy part of their diet. However, due to its high calcium content, spinach should only be fed in moderation to prevent urinary problems.
122 Can hamsters eat rice? Yes, hamsters can eat small amounts of cooked rice. It’s a safe source of carbohydrates but it doesn’t provide all the nutrients they need. Always make sure the rice is cooled before feeding it to your hamster and never give them raw rice.
123 Can hamsters swim? While hamsters can swim, it’s not recommended to force them into water as it can cause significant stress and potential harm. Their coat is designed to keep them warm and not to be immersed in water. Wetting their fur can cause them to get cold quickly and potentially lead to illness. Always make sure to provide fresh water for drinking, but avoid making them swim.
124 Can hamsters eat peanuts? Yes, hamsters can eat peanuts. Peanuts are a good source of protein and can be a healthy part of their diet. However, due to their high fat content, peanuts should only be fed in moderation. Also, it’s important to make sure any peanuts you feed your hamster are unsalted and not covered in any other seasonings or coatings.
125 Do hamsters hibernate? Yes, some hamsters do hibernate when the weather gets colder, but it’s not common for domestic hamsters who live in a controlled environment. If the room temperature falls too low, a hamster might go into a state of torpor or hibernation. During this state, their body functions slow down significantly. If you think your hamster is hibernating, slowly warming them up can bring them out of this state.

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