Pet Hamster FAQs #4

ID Question Answer
74 Can hamsters eat peanut butter? Yes, hamsters can eat a small amount of unsalted and sugar-free peanut butter. However, because it is sticky, there’s a risk it can get stuck in their cheek pouches. It’s best to give it sparingly and monitor them closely while they’re eating it.
75 Do hamsters get cold? Yes, hamsters can get cold. They are sensitive to temperature changes and should be kept in a stable environment that is not too hot or too cold, ideally between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius).
76 Can hamsters eat spinach? Yes, hamsters can eat spinach. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals. However, due to its high oxalate content, spinach should only be fed in small amounts as an occasional treat.
77 How do hamsters communicate? Hamsters communicate through a variety of means including vocalizations, body language, and scent marking. For example, a hamster might squeak when it’s excited or annoyed, and it might stamp its hind legs when it feels threatened.
78 Can hamsters eat oranges? Yes, hamsters can eat oranges. They are a good source of vitamin C. However, due to their high acidity and sugar content, oranges should only be fed in small amounts as an occasional treat.
79 How often do hamsters eat? Hamsters generally need a small amount of food once a day. They have a habit of storing food in their cheek pouches and saving it for later. It is recommended to check and clean out their food storage area regularly to prevent spoilt food.
80 Can hamsters eat cheese? Yes, hamsters can eat a small amount of cheese as a treat. Cheese is high in fat and should be fed sparingly. Always choose low salt and low fat varieties for your hamster.
81 Do hamsters bite? Hamsters can bite if they are scared, stressed, or startled. It’s important to handle your hamster gently and regularly to get it accustomed to human contact. Never wake a sleeping hamster suddenly as it can cause it to become defensive and bite.
82 Can hamsters eat potatoes? Raw potatoes are not safe for hamsters as they contain toxic compounds. However, a small amount of cooked potato without any seasoning can be safe for hamsters as an occasional treat. It’s always best to consult a vet before introducing new foods to your hamster’s diet.
83 Do hamsters like music? The reaction of hamsters to music can vary. Some hamsters might find soft music soothing, while others might be disturbed by the noise. It’s best to observe your hamster’s behavior when music is played to determine if it enjoys it.
84 Can hamsters eat rice? Yes, hamsters can eat a small amount of cooked plain rice. Rice can provide them with some beneficial nutrients, but it should not form a significant part of their diet as it doesn’t contain all the nutrients they need.
85 Can hamsters see in the dark? Yes, hamsters can see in the dark. They are crepuscular, which means they are most active during the twilight hours of dawn and dusk. Their eyesight is not excellent, but they can see better in dim light than in bright light.
86 Can hamsters eat pasta? Yes, hamsters can eat a small amount of plain, cooked pasta. It can be a source of carbs but should not form a significant part of their diet as it doesn’t contain all the nutrients they need.
87 Do hamsters like being held? This can depend on the individual hamster and how accustomed it is to being handled. Some hamsters can enjoy human interaction and being held, while others might prefer to explore on their own. Always handle hamsters gently and with respect for their comfort and safety.
88 Can hamsters eat peppers? Yes, hamsters can eat a small amount of bell peppers. They are a good source of vitamins. However, hot or spicy peppers should not be given to hamsters as they can cause digestive upset.
89 Can hamsters swim? While hamsters can swim in a physical sense, they generally don’t enjoy it and it can be quite stressful for them. It’s also dangerous as they can easily catch a chill and get sick. It’s best to avoid putting your hamster in situations where it would need to swim.
90 Can hamsters eat eggs? Yes, hamsters can eat a small amount of cooked eggs. Eggs are a good source of protein. However, they should only be given as a treat and not form a significant part of their diet.
91 Do hamsters need sand baths? Some species of hamsters, like dwarf hamsters, enjoy sand baths and they can help to keep their fur clean. However, it’s important to use a sand that is safe for hamsters and not dust, as dust can cause respiratory problems.
92 Can hamsters eat carrots? Yes, hamsters can eat carrots. Carrots are a good source of vitamins and can be fed raw or cooked. However, due to their high sugar content, carrots should only be fed in moderation.
93 Do hamsters sleep a lot? Hamsters are crepuscular, which means they are most active during the twilight hours of dawn and dusk and tend to sleep during the day and night. However, the exact amount of sleep can vary from hamster to hamster.
94 Can hamsters eat meat? Hamsters can eat a small amount of cooked, unseasoned meat as a source of protein. However, it should not form a significant part of their diet as hamsters also need a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains for a balanced diet.
95 Can hamsters eat yogurt? Hamsters can eat a small amount of plain, unsweetened yogurt. It can be a source of protein and calcium. However, some hamsters may be lactose intolerant, and too much yogurt can cause digestive issues, so it should be given sparingly.
96 Do hamsters need vaccinations? As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, hamsters do not require vaccinations like dogs or cats. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with a vet for the most current and comprehensive health advice for your pet.

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