Pet Hamster FAQs #2



ID Question Answer
25 Do hamsters like to be held? Some hamsters may become comfortable with being held, while others prefer not to be handled too much. It depends on the individual hamster’s personality.
26 Can hamsters see color? Hamsters have limited color vision. It’s believed that they can see some colors but not as vibrantly as humans. They rely more on their sense of smell and hearing.
27 Why do hamsters chew bars? Hamsters chew bars due to boredom, stress, or the need to wear down their ever-growing teeth. Providing them with other chew toys, a bigger cage, and regular out-of-cage time can help prevent bar-chewing.
28 How should you clean a hamster cage? First, remove the hamster and all items from the cage. Dispose of old bedding. Clean the cage and accessories with a mild, pet-safe detergent or a vinegar-water solution. Rinse and dry everything thoroughly before adding new bedding and putting items back.
29 Can hamsters recognize their owners? While hamsters have poor eyesight and might not recognize owners by sight, they have a keen sense of smell and can recognize the scent of their owners.
30 Why do hamsters run on wheels? Hamsters run on wheels as a way to burn off energy. In the wild, hamsters travel several miles each night in search of food, and the wheel is a way to mimic this in a domestic environment.
31 Can hamsters swim? While hamsters can swim, they usually don’t enjoy it and it can be very stressful for them. It’s also easy for them to get chilled and sick. Therefore, it’s best not to make your hamster swim.
32 Why do hamsters bite? Hamsters might bite if they’re scared, stressed, or not used to being handled. They might also mistake fingers for food. With gentle handling and positive association, hamsters can learn not to bite their owners.
33 What age is a hamster fully grown? Most hamsters reach their full size around the age of 6 months, although smaller dwarf varieties may stop growing a little earlier.
34 How can you tell if a hamster is happy? Happy hamsters are active, curious, and have a good appetite. They’ll play on their wheel, explore their cage, and won’t show signs of stress like overgrooming, bar chewing, or aggression.
35 Can hamsters get fleas? Hamsters can get fleas, although it’s not very common. If your hamster does have fleas, you’ll need to treat both the hamster and their environment. Always use a vet-recommended treatment for hamsters, as some treatments can be harmful.
36 How often do hamsters sleep? Hamsters are crepuscular or nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and are active at dusk, night, and dawn. They usually sleep in several periods throughout the day, adding up to about 14 hours of sleep in 24 hours.
37 Can hamsters eat cheese? Hamsters can eat small amounts of cheese, but it should be given sparingly as a treat. Cheese is high in fat and too much can lead to obesity and digestive problems.
38 How can you tell a hamster’s age? It’s difficult to tell a hamster’s exact age. However, young hamsters tend to be more active, have smoother fur, and sharper teeth. Older hamsters may be less active, have patchy or greying fur, and their teeth may be worn down.
39 How long are hamsters pregnant for? The gestation period of hamsters varies between species but it’s generally around 16 to 22 days. The Syrian hamster has a gestation period of around 16 days, while dwarf hamsters are pregnant for about 18-22 days.
40 Why do hamsters squeak? Hamsters squeak for various reasons. It can be a sign of excitement, stress, discomfort, or fear. Understanding the context and observing their body language can give you clues to why your hamster might be squeaking.
41 Can hamsters eat carrots? Yes, hamsters can eat carrots. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals. However, because carrots have high sugar content, they should be given in moderation as treats.
42 Do hamsters need baths? Generally, hamsters do not need baths. They are very clean animals and groom themselves. Bathing in water can strip their fur of natural oils, cause stress, and can lead to illness. If your hamster gets dirty, try spot cleaning with a damp cloth.
43 Can hamsters live together? Whether hamsters can live together depends on the species. Syrian hamsters are strictly solitary and must live alone. Some dwarf hamsters can live together, but they must be introduced carefully and monitored for signs of stress or fighting.
44 Do hamsters like music? The response to music can vary between individual hamsters. Some might find soft music calming, while others might be disturbed by the noise. It’s best to observe your hamster’s reaction and make choices accordingly.
45 How do hamsters communicate? Hamsters communicate through a combination of sounds, body language, and scent marking. They can squeak, hiss, and chatter their teeth to express various emotions. Body language and scent are also key parts of their communication.
46 Can hamsters see in the dark? Hamsters have poor eyesight and are colorblind, but they have some degree of vision in the dark. However, they rely more on their senses of smell and hearing to navigate.
47 Why do hamsters spin in circles? Hamsters might spin in circles if they’re excited or disoriented. However, repeated spinning could also be a sign of a neurological issue, such as a stroke or an ear infection. If your hamster is constantly spinning, it’s best to consult a vet.
48 How do hamsters clean themselves? Hamsters are very clean animals and spend a large portion of their time grooming. They clean themselves by licking their paws and running them over their body, much like a cat. They’ll also roll in sand baths if provided.
49 Can hamsters eat grapes? Yes, hamsters can eat grapes. They are a good source

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