How To Know If A Hamster Is Male Or Female

Hamsters are one of the most popular pets around and can be handled by kids and children easily as well. These non-aggressive and non-dangerous creatures show up in many different varieties and forms (including the Syrian and Dwarf hamsters), the most common and popular one being the Syrian hamster (also called the Golden hamster). The female and the male hamsters look the same in most aspects. However, you can’t keep either of the genders along with each other. While the males and females belong to the same breed and species, you can notice certain physical and temperamental differences to know whether a hamster is a male or a female.


While you will find that males are larger and bigger in most of the species, the same is not the case with hamsters. An exception is the Dwarf hamster species, where the males are larger than the females. In all other species including the Syrian hamster species, the male hamster is smaller when compared to the female hamster. The males are also less aggressive, dominant, and territorial than the two.

EASYGOING NATURE: the male hamsters show much lesser aggression when compared to the females and appear to be calm and friendly at most times. They are also less territorial when compared to female hamsters.

FULLER COATS: male hamsters have fuller and thicker quotes when compared to female hamsters. However, grooming the male hamsters will become more difficult after a certain time due to their physical characteristic. While not all hamsters may require grooming of coats, it is required for some males.

SUITABLE FOR KIDS: if you are looking to breed and pet a hamster for your kids, the male hamster would be a better choice due to its less aggression and friendly nature. However, you should also be ready to groom them if their coat grows to be excessively thicker.


Unlike other species on earth, female hamsters are larger than male ones. They may also take many of the roles assigned to the male breeds. However, the female sex does exhibit certain female-oriented characteristics. You must have a female hamster if you want to breed them and want to make hamster babies.

MUSKY ODORS: a female hamster will start to grow in metabolism, hormonal activity, and heat every 4 days. These are the times when they start to release musky odors that can smell easily around. While these odors can help you identify a female hamster, you should choose the male breed if you want to avoid the odor.

HARD TO PET/HANDLE: female hamsters show more aggression and territorial activity. They are not as docile as the male hamsters and therefore can be hard to handle. You do require some patience and time to befriend and pet a female hamster.


Apart from the temperamental characteristics, you can also make use of the other characteristics and physical features to find out whether your hamster is male or female.


You can check the reproductive organ and the genitals of your hamster to find out whether it is a male or female. Below are some ways that can help you identify your hamster based on the genitals.

FLIP THE HAMSTER: pick your hamster and gently roll it over on its back. The young hamsters may resist it. Therefore, you need to be careful and gentle. You can cup the hamster in your hand and gently turn it.

IDENTITY THE GENITALS: the genitals of the hamster are located near its tail. Therefore, you need to spread the hamster’s leg to locate the genitals. One of the holes near the tail will be the anus, in the other one will be the genital. In the female hamsters, these two openings will be located side by side. These openings will be so close that they will appear to be touching one another. In the male hamsters, these openings will be located one after in another and there will be a clear distance between them.


The main hamsters have testicles, which can be observed easily when they move around. This technique can be especially useful when your hamster does not allow you to flip it over.

The testicles of the male hamster will be located at the rear end of its body. They will have a pointed and pronounced appearance. Some swelling can also be observed in the penile region of the male hamsters. On the other hand, the rear end of the body of the female hamsters will have a smooth appearance and will lack any bulge.


Sometimes the hamsters may have excessive fur, so you are not able to easily find out whether it is a male or female by identifying the genitals. Some hamsters may also kick excessively when they are physically approached. However, you can also check whether the hamster has a nipple to find out whether it is a male or a female. Only the female hamsters have nipples.

To locate the nipples, you must run your hand through the fur and along the body of the hamster. The female hamsters will have two nipples on their abdomen region. Once you can feel the nipples, you can also remove the fur at the area to physically find out and see the nipples.

Please note that while the male hamsters do not have nipples, sometimes the female ones also have less pronounced and small-sized nipples when they are young.


People breed and pet all kinds of hamsters including male and female ones. However, if you are trying to pet a hamster for a kid who is having their pet for the first time, the male hamster would be a better option. More patience may be required with the female hamsters as they are less docile and more aggressive. Both male and female hamsters are needed when you want to breed them and want to make Hamster babies. However, ensure that you are not keeping the male and female hamsters together as they may fight with each other and cause injuries.


There are multiple methods available to identify whether it is a male or a female hamster. The distinctions can be made based on fur density, coat thickness, genitals, and size among other characteristics. Identifying the right kind of breed and gender of your hamster can ensure that you can choose the right hamster gender. You will be able to make hamster babies as well by bringing together male and female hamsters of the right breed.

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