Cat Proof Hamster Cage and How To Keep Your Hamster Safe

Cat proof hamster is a big issue for people new to owning a hamster. Cats are natural hunters and will go after small prey, so you must ensure your cat doesn’t get into your hamster’s cage. The cat-proof hamster cage is a new model of the traditional hamster cage. As you know, the classic cage model is made from plastic and wood. Although plastic is suitable for rats or mice, it isn’t good for hamsters because cats can chew holes in plastic wire cages. You can check the wiki page to see if your cat can chew through that food container. The same goes for wooden pens because of their sharp edges, and cats easily chew them.

How to keep your cat-proof hamster cage

1. Choose a suitable material for making the cage

The best material you can use is metal. Metal doesn’t break easily; it’s not very dangerous because a cat can’t chew through it. You may wonder if a hamster can break out of the cage by chewing, but no. A hamster only weighs 3 ounces, so it won’t be able to chew through the metal and will most likely not try destroying its cage. Metal cages are better because they are easy to clean, and there is no risk for your hamster to die from suffocation when nesting materials build up in the bedding section of the cage.

2. Make sure the metal cage has multiple levels to allow your hamster to explore without being stuck on the ground level.

Your hamster needs to have an area where it can stay in the dark, or else it’ll die. Your hamster’s eyes are not accustomed to seeing the light, so they will see everything as bright, hurting their eyes. They need a place where they can feel safe and hidden when changing their nest or eating, so make sure you have a section of your cat-proof hamster cage that is completely dark during the daytime. This allows them to change their nest at night and sleep during the day without significantly affecting them, like stress, anxiety, or depression.

3. Make sure the cage has enough room for the hamster to move around, explore and play.

Your hamster needs a cage that is big enough for them to run and play around, so make sure you have ample space to exercise so they won’t get bored. A common mistake is people getting a small cage for their hamsters, which makes them depressed or crazy because they are stuck in a small space all day long without any room to move around. Never buy a small cage; otherwise, you’ll have an aggressive or depressed hamster that won’t be able to fit in the cat-proof one.

4. Read the label to see what is in the cage.

Most cat-proof hamster cages have a minimum height of 3 inches, and the USDA requires this height to ensure that the cells are safe for your pet. The manufacturer needs to show on their product materials list that they created a metal cage with this minimum height.

The benefits of a cat-proof hamster cage

1. Decrease the risk of your hamster dying.

A cat-proof hamster cage means your hamster won’t die from suffocation or other injuries. Some cells are made from plastic and wood, which can be dangerous for pets because there is a high chance that your cat will chew through it and get to your hamster by killing it. Cats have different tactics they use to catch their prey, but chewing is one of them. Some cats will claw their game or destroy it by crushing his neck, but if you have enough money to buy a cat-proof cage, you won’t need to worry about that happening to your pet any time soon.

2. Save more time.

Since you don’t have to clean the cage every day, you can use that time for other things because your hamster will be busy having fun or exploring their new home in the cell. You won’t have to walk around with a hamster everywhere; this saves you from trekking around holding an animal you may or may not want to keep anymore. It’s much easier to keep one puppy or cat in the house than two since it can be annoying if you do not like them; after all, pets are living beings that need attention and care. You’ll be happier if your pet is happy, so please ensure everyone is satisfied in the household.

3. Saves you money.

Keeping your pet in a cat-proof hamster cage costs less than buying another cell daily. A new cage is not cheap, so if you have a cat that chews through the other type of cage, you’ll need to save up for a new one. If your cat or dog is an aggressive chewer, they’ll eventually break the plastic or wood and get to your hamster by killing it or maiming it. It’s best to get used to cat-proof hamster cages because they are made with solid materials and wires that won’t fall apart easily.

4. Keep your pet happy and healthy.

Your pet needs a place to explore and run around, so make sure your hamster has lots of room to enjoy this aspect of their new home. You don’t want them to suffocate or get injured in the cage, so ensure they are taken care of properly by giving them the right amount of exercise and nesting materials. You can also provide your hamster with a play house that they can get out of when they are bored or need a nice hideout during the daytime, so make sure you take note when buying one that’s good enough for your pet.

5. Keep your home clean and tidy.

An animal in the house can be messy at times, so it’s best to get a cage with a good design and strong materials, so they don’t chew or claw their way out of it. Your pet will be happy if they are not stuck in a cage that is too small for them to move around, so make sure you get the right size for them, and you won’t have to put up with any mess or things scattered around your home.

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