
Can Hamsters Eat Peaches? Plus 3 Foods To Never Give Your Hamsters

Hamsters are enjoyable pets, and feeding them treats is irresistible. Watching a hamster avidly enjoy a treat is very amusing. When hamsters eat, it’s amusing to watch them wrap their little hands tightly… Continue reading

Can Hamsters Eat Mouse Food? Is It Dangerous?

Statistics show a new trend among Americans in recent years. Approximately 884 out of 1000 households have acquired hamsters as pets. Besides having beautiful fur or appearance, these rodents are resistant to many… Continue reading

Can Hamsters Eat Honey Nut Cheerios?

Cheerios are a popular breakfast cereal made from whole grain oats, rice, corn, and wheat. They can be eaten as is or used to make different recipes. While some pet owners may wonder… Continue reading

Can Hamsters Eat Boiled Eggs?

Hamsters are known for their small size and their robust appetite. In fact, as a pet, hamsters are easy to feed because they will eat almost anything. You only need to worry about… Continue reading

Can Hamsters Eat Apples?

Can hamsters eat apples?

Yes, hamsters can eat apples, but only in moderation. Apples are a good source of vitamins and minerals, but they are also high in sugar. Too much sugar can… Continue reading

Best 13 Tips To Take Care of Your Pet Hamster

A pet hamster is a small rodent kept as an exotic animal. Hamsters are crepuscular, meaning most active during twilight hours of dusk and dawn. The planet will have more than six species… Continue reading

10 Things You Need For Your Pet Hamster

Caring for a hamster is a lot of work and a big responsibility. If you think you have everything you need ready to bring your new pet home, you might be surprised at… Continue reading

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